The Id and Phases of the Moon

The Id plays on the Ego in different modes according to the phase of the moon, which is the sum of the forces of gravity from the sun, the earth and the moon.

For people under an excessive influence from the Id, this tends to be pronounced, especially during the new moon and full moon.

There is a correlation between the phases of the moon and relations between men and women, but it should be remembered that at times of inclement weather, with cloudy skies or rain that prevents the moon from being observed, these rules may no longer apply.

1. New Moon

The moon is dark when the earth, moon and sun are in alignment, to form a straight line.

Just before the dark moon may be an the ideal opportunity for courtship and relations between males become more difficult, as they are inclined to view their brethren as potential rivals in the search for members of the opposite sex.

(The Id may try to prevent men from acting in mutual solidarity and joining forces.)

This is also the time for spring tide, when the difference between high and low tide reach a maximum and people are prone to large swings of mood.

2. Waxing Crescent

After the dark moon, the moon slowly waxes, beginning with a thin crescent, and relations among men become more cordial, as they begin to lose interest in the opposite sex and start looking for profit and mutual benefit through communication and collaboration among members of their own gender.

3. Half Moon (1st Quarter)

A half moon is formed when the sun and moon are at right angles with each other, when seen from the earth.

Because of the great differential in the angle of the respective vectors of gravity reaching the earth (90 degrees), this phase often leads to feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, high tension and aggressive behavior, and it is best to exercise caution and prudence when interacting with fellow humans.

4. Waxing Gibbous

Conditions will tend to improve for meetings and conferences among males as the moon grows larger and brighter.

The Id tends to lose interest in male-female meetings and encounters, so there is less biological drive in that direction.

5. Full Moon

A full moon occurs when the sun, the earth and the moon form a straight line.

Full moon is also the time for spring tide, when the difference between high and low tide reach a maximum once again, due to large swings in the sum of gravity from the moon and from the sun.

Just before full moon, meetings and encounters become strenuous affairs, as the large swings in gravity are felt among all men and women, probably causing large swings in blood pressure, etc.

That being said, full moon may be the best phase of the moon for building relations of trust and solidarity.

6. Waning Gibbous

As the moon begins to wane once again, the Id begins to revive interest in male-female relations for potential coupling. Accordingly, camaraderie among men will start to diminish, as they start to recognize their brethren as potential rivals in the search for spouses.

7. Half Moon (3rd Quarter)

Something comparable to the 1st Quarter tends to occur in this phase, sometimes leading to discomfort, uneasiness, high tension and aggressive behavior, so that prudence and caution are advised.

8. Waning Crescent

Men begin to lose much interest in meetings unless there are women present, so they look forward to mixed events. This tendency will increase as the moon becomes smaller and darker.

The Id and Phases of the Moon

The Id and Phases of the Moon

  • 随筆・エッセイ
  • 掌編
  • 全年齢対象

