An Announcement chapter12

Story about Jack's pilgrim

As I awoke, I found myself laying down on the ground. I was where I had been when I was chasing a little child resembling me. However, I couldn't find the bench there. I opened my palm. A flower was on my palm. That flower told me it wasn't a dream. It probably wasn't real either. Then, which was it? One thing I could say was the flower was in my hand. I could see it. I thought that was enough reason to convince myself. If nothing changed, that didn't mean I didn't change. Then I found something that was changing besides myself. I saw the sun was falling. The sky definitely got darker than before I had come. What was worse, I felt something bad was searching for me. I didn't know why but I knew he was crawling in the dark. The time limit was almost there. I hurriedly woke up, and ran. Where should I head for? I remembered that I came at the empty space while I walked on the path the older man had directed. I decided to get back to that path. Once I got back, the distance was surprisingly short. It only took me two minute. Where did I run? I began to run on the way toward I had headed for.
"Where am I running?" I repeated in my mind. In that world, I eventually didn't know where I was. However, it is equivalent to where we are on. Nobody knows where we run. Who can say? I was running. I was alive. One thing I knew was that. So that I could say I couldn't see anything. If I could see everything, I wouldn't run.
"I'm alive." It means that I can change everything. In other words, nothing can be seen. It wasn't what we the older man wanted to say, maybe, but for me, it could be interrupted as such. Didn't he want to tell me that he wasn't able to change. He told me that he couldn't go further with me, didn't he? I guessed he couldn't go out where he should stay. He regarded it as death, and so did I. Then I noticed that they all lived in my mind and they would never live in the future. They were destined to live in my memory. A simple story it was. There was nowhere but inside me. Maybe I was still in the park as the older man told me. I tried to see through the end of that road. Still I couldn't certify it, but the sky was getting darker and darker.
"Can I really make it?" I asked myself. I considered about White and Bella.
"What had I done for them?" In my childhood, my parents gave me a lot of expectation. I had suffered from a sense of self-reproach resulting from that expectation. However, that expectation reflected off love. Now I got it. My parents definitely cherished me. How about me? I didn't cherish them. This is the last time I can reward them. I inhaled cold air. It seemed that the season was winter. It was the last season in a year. It seemed that as I stepped the trees became withered. In the winter, lives fall asleep. Otherwise, lives pass away. There is a feeling that winter brings death. However, the cold air of winter is the clearest air of all seasons. Lives that pass away sink deep inside the ground. Our planet purifies everything. Then we welcome the spring. Lives wake up again. We all reincarnated. However, this moment would never be again. In fact, returning doesn't exist.
"We can live just once." I murmured.
"I should search out my children."
Then, I felt something was behind me. Still it was distance between it and me, but I could feel the entity. He glared at me, but of course I couldn't certify it. He also seemed to feel my being. No sooner did he notice me that he began to chase me faster. The speed was astounding. Or should I have called it splendid? Anyway, he chased me. I estimated he would overtake me in five minute. I conceived to hide myself, but it seemed to be meaningless. He could search me out from so far away. It seemed to be inevitable to be found by him. I decided to keep on running. I was already out of breath, but it didn't matter at all. The situation was desperate. It didn't matter at all, too. As I ran, I felt my body became lighter. I also saw one light. I thought it was the end of the path. And he finally caught me in his eyes. In his eyes, I was reflected. The shadows of me was running. He smirked as if he found prey for his dinner. And it didn't matter at all. I ran. He ran too. He ran. I ran. He ran. The light was in front of me. Someone was there, in the light. He saw someone beckoning to him. He reached his right hand to me. Someone stretched out a hand. I reached out my hand, too. And I jumped for the light. His right arm swished the air. Then, I dove into the light. I heard something burst open on my back. And the first since I had parted with older man, I looked back.

There was another world. Before I dove into the light, I ran in the forest. There was no more forest. I stood on a shore. However, I was still in the light. Near where I stood, there was a lake. The night had fallen. Here and there, lights like candles were dimly lit. I thought if this was the world after death, it should be something like that. I also thought it was not bad to die if there were such a calm place. I looked out over. Far distance, there were shadows of mountain. Or just looked like that. Not only mountains but he was there. He was near where I was. He sunk into the shadows by the lake. He was a mass of words. Like a snake, the words weaved, building up a human figure. He still reached his right arm for me. However it seemed he couldn't get in the light. I looked at his arm. SORRY constituted his right arm. Then he stretched out his left arm. WAS I GUILTY? His left arm signified. I looked at his face, and he shed tears. Of course, the tears were words, too. TEARS, TEARS, TEARS, TEARS, they flowed from holes in his face. As I glanced at him, I became terribly sorry. I remembered I had the flower, which my wife gave me.
"You want something?" I asked him.
Words gathered. PLEASE, he told. Or should I say, he signified. I threw out the flower to him. Words changed its form into HURRY, and it caught the flower. He said to me, THANK YOU. Then I fainted. When I was about to faint, I thought I might see his words converting to another words which had S on the first letter.

An Announcement chapter12

An Announcement chapter12

  • 小説
  • 短編
  • ファンタジー
  • 全年齢対象

