An Announcement chapter5

Story about Jack's pilgrim

Temporarily, I couldn't get where I was. Certainly, I opened the door of the information center. However, behind the door was completely different from what I thought. I stood on a hill. In brief, I went out outside after opening the door. As I turned back, there was nothing behind me. Wildflowers were in bloom as if asserted there was no building there in the first place. If so, it was certain that I had come through this door. Was I dreaming? I hit my cheek lightly. The soft pain was spread. My nerves electrified it to my brain. My skin was tensed, telling me that I was not dreaming, but it made me more confused. I didn't know what to do. For the time being, I sat there. Like a fool, I embarrassed myself. Why didn't I conceive to do an alternative? Sitting, it was ridiculous.
After spending time sitting there for a minute, I found it was where I had been to. I knew that place. Nevertheless, I couldn't remember where this was. Where I stood seemed to be the highest point of the hill. From there, I could see a brook. The brook was winding down the hill. It made me think about the lapse of time, now, then, where we stood. That was the time between me and others, White, Bella, my wife, my friends and ex-friends. I considered whether the time I spent was equivalent to the time others spent. If it was equivalent, why did we go so far. Why we are destined to apart.? If it wasn't, what was different? I didn't make it clear. One thing I can say, or know, is that we're destined to apart if no matter how closely we were together. The brook made me think such a pedantic and pessimistic notion and it also made me want to go along it. If time was like a brook, I wanted to know what was waiting. I itched to know. Curiosity to know was absent in me for a long time.

"How many things do I want to know?" I thought.

Maybe there was nothing I wanted to know. I just wanted to think about me. The priority was always myself. I went down the hill, and reached the brook. The stream of the brook was clear, the bottom could be seen. It doesn't resemble me, my wife. My life was always opaque. Lying to myself I lived out everything. However, now I want to see what is waiting for me at the end of the brook.

After ten minute or so, I saw the end of the brook. That was a quiet ending. The stream turned into a whirl and bubbles emerged from it then went out. It's like a lapse of time. We were born, then we die. We go through past to future, it's mandatory. Didn't I say? No one could resist. We were lost and found. But, in fact, what have we ever found? Didn't we just on losing eventually? The whirl was spinning, as well as this world does. Does my wife still remember our talk about world atlases? Maybe she doesn't. Bubbles kept on emerging and disappearing. I sat down watching that movement mechanically. Lost and found. If so, lost was to be found at the information center. It should be. At that time, I remembered. Guessing there was the information center, I was lost at the information center.

An Announcement chapter5

An Announcement chapter5

  • 小説
  • 掌編
  • 全年齢対象

