An Announcement chapter3

Story about Jack's pilgrim

When I got back, Bella had disappeared. I sighed. Why did they both disappear? I don't know. At first, I thought this was something like a trap conducted by them. Those two were content with me over divorcing their mother and intrigued to coax me into going to this park.
After thinking, though it was needless to think, I noticed that was a ridiculous idea. There were various ways to get back at me if they wanted. They might just get lost. However, if they get lost, I'd have to find them. Whether they consider me so or not, I am a father. I am their father, no matter what.

"Thank you for visiting this park, everyone. This is an announcement about lost children. Here at the Information Center, we have a little boy White and a little girl Bella. Would the person taking care of them come here, please?"

The announce was broadcasting.

After broadcasting the announce, the loudspeaker began to play music again. That music was like oxygen. It was just there. Nobody paid attention, but it was certainly there. One difference was obvious. If oxygen vanished from this space, we would all suffocate. If the music vanished, would anybody notice? If anybody did, they wouldn't die because of it. I decided to go to the information center.

Though there was the bus running around the park, I decided to walk because walking took me to there earlier than taking on a bus. As the information center located within walking distance, I guessed I could get to there while I waited for a bus.
On the way to the information center, I saw the recycle center. That was established as the embodiment of an eco-friendly commercial architecture. One young man was working outside near it. He was piling up empty cans. That young man's face was energetic. I thought he was in his twenties. Almost the same age I met my wife. Never did I dream I would end up divorcing. That young man seemed to notice me then he waved his hand toward me smiling. I waved my hand too. He was smiling, though, I noticed that something was hidden under his face. I didn't know what that was, but I felt I had happened to know it.

"Have a nice day, gentleman!" He saluted me.
"Thanks, you too." I replied.

An Announcement chapter3

An Announcement chapter3

  • 小説
  • 掌編
  • ファンタジー
  • 全年齢対象

