An Announcement chapter1

Story about Jack's pilgrim

My name is Jack. I'm 36 years old. I'm a father of two children. One of them is a 10-year-old boy. The other is an 8-year-old girl. Today, I came to this park with them. I can't remember the reason why we came here, but I ascribe it to my children. They might hide feelings about something that has uncomfortable. As a reaction against this feeling, they asked me to go somewhere nice. Why do they have such an uncomfortable feeling? As I explained, the 3 of us came here. You might well ask where my wife is. Well, it's so tough to talk about my wife, you might happened to notice, because we divorced. She claimed that she wanted to get parental custody, but regarding economic aspects, the family court judged that I should take care of the children. I won a tug-of-love. I was, in other words, was to be the winner.
The next day after the judgement, I was so elated. Emancipated from the shackle of fighting, I even thought of myself as a hero. Hectic the time had been, I was feeling like returning from the war field. But as time went by, I gradually felt that I had been wrong. Were there any other choices? I asked myself again and again. Yeah, I won the battle, but after all, I lost something important, something very important. From that time, I suffered from shallow sleep. These days, I found myself tired. Even now, I managed to keep myself awake. I think about myself more.
I'm an executive director in a brokerage firm. Having graduated from a university as a top student, I worked as hard as I could. I met my wife at the university. We might have met at a welcome party my friend held, I recollect. We were the same age. I remember that the first talk we had was about a world atlas. I've loved world atlases since my childhood. As we gradually knew more about each other, we were fascinated. We married after we got jobs when we were 23 years old. Not bad story, at least, at that time. We were happy, maybe.

"Dad, are you sleeping?"
I'm afraid I had fallen asleep. Who did I talk to? OK, leave it now. I found myself sitting down on a bench. In front of me, my daughter Bella stood.
"Sorry, well, where is White?" Replied I. By the way, White is my son's name, you know.
"He went to the lavatory." Replied Bella.
"I see." I looked at a clock. It was settled on next to the bench I sat down on so that I had to look up at it with nearly bending backward. It pointed out twelve thirty. I probably was fallen asleep at twelve twenty assuming that I sat down on that bench at that time. Ten minutes, a little bit long. Perception of time was component of human beings, I think. However, this talk is not appropriate for this occasion.
"Bella, when did you notice that I was sleeping?"
"Well, I've just noticed, daddy, you talked with me a short while ago!"
Bella got a little angry. It was natural. I disclosed on my own that I was not interested in her talking heartily. In fact, I didn't remember what she had talked. One point I can remember was my thought that she resembled her mother these days, my wife in the aspect of both appearance and characteristics. She has big brown eyes, long eyelashes, short brown curly hair and a knobby nose. And like the way my wife got angry, the way of scolding me, the way of smiling, even the way of crying, she resembled her. Honestly, she resembles the girl who I loved when I was an elementary school student. I don't have any idea how she will resemble her mother any more. All I can say is two facts. One; If Bella gets to resemble her mother more, I'll be confused more. Two; I'm a jerk.
"I'm sorry, Bella. Can you wait for a minute? I'll go and look for White."
No sooner had I heard her reply than I stood up and looked for White. White resembles me. Unfortunately, he resembled me in both appearance and characteristics as Bella resembles my ex-wife. Like me, he is so sticky, strict with others and tends to exaggerate himself. These days, I wondered where everything has gone wrong. I added one more to my list. Third; The fact that White resembles me

An Announcement chapter1

An Announcement chapter1

  • 小説
  • 短編
  • ファンタジー
  • 全年齢対象

