i don@t know

i don@t know

a a

there are some pattern of my life that i reckon.
i had a way, only the one way i walking thorough.

i can imagine what is going on.

whole way i can imagine

however i choose just one way

and this one way, whether it`s i want or don`t

sometimes distiny is different, might be....

i think how stressfull world i live
and i think how goodness world i live

sorry my barren english

can i?

can i choose my way?

yes that is.

that is only one way.

i can choose

believe or not.

just believe or not.

two choice that believe or not.

love or selfish

don`t think or think

あー 疲れた

バカだ バカだ


前後になにがあるか a little i can tell

sore ga tsurai toki mo aru

みんな ばか

and me to

i`m a little thing

big a big pride it`s no mean


some i want to give punch

no w i don ` t

i don@t know

i don@t know

  • 自由詩
  • 掌編
  • 全年齢対象

