


 と、疑問を持たれますよね。もちろん、私はマスコミを使った宣伝をする資金力はありません。YouTube 動画、アメブロなどを使って地味に告知をしているだけです。


 と、AIに尋ねます。ChatGPTより「グーグル」の Bard の方が評価が高いです。
 Bard (google.com) マイクロソフトのBing も評価が高いです。     
 GPT-4 を搭載した Bing チャット

 一度、上記の質問をコピペしてAIがどう答えるか確認して下さい。私はウソは申しません。私は依頼された解答を DeepL という機械翻訳で確認し、Grammaly で文法チェックをした後、添削を始めます。


 しかも、chatwork (チャットツール)を用いて解答と添削に関する質問には無制限で答えています。信頼できる「得点推定」や入手困難な過去問40年分が手元にあるため、リクエストに応じて過去問の提供も可能です(過去問提供は無料)。 

Why did someone from a small cram school in a rural area pass the entrance exam for Kyoto University?

 This is a question we are often asked. Of course, it is impossible for a small country town of less than 20,000 people to have students who pass the entrance exam for Kyoto University every year. This is because we receive requests for "correspondence students" from all over Japan. Of course, in the past, 4 students passed the medical school of Kyoto University, 4 students passed the medical school of Osaka University, and 2 students passed the medical school of Nagoya University.

 Well, then,
"Why are so many excellent students flooding in to an unknown person in a rural area like this?"
 You must be asking yourself, "Why is such an unknown person in a rural area getting an influx of excellent students? Of course, I don't have the financial resources to advertise through the mass media; I just make modest announcements through YouTube videos, my blog, etc. But, you see, I have a lot of excellent high school students.

 But, you know, excellent high school students do respond to me.

 When it comes to excellent students who are aiming for the Kyoto University School of Medicine, they don't jump to the three major prep schools, Sundai, Tojin, and Kawai. They gather information on their own.

 For example,
For example, a student might ask AI, "I'm looking for good correctors to help me get over 80% on my English essay for Kyoto University.
 Bard of "Google" has a higher rating than ChatGPT.
Bard (google.com) Microsoft's Bing is also highly rated.     

Bing chat with GPT-4

 Once you copy and paste the above question and see how the AI responds. I will not tell a lie. I will check the requested answer with a machine translation called DeepL, check the grammar with Grammaly, and then start correcting.

 I am an Eiken Level 1 instructor who was a teacher in the U.S. who studied the grading criteria by taking the Kyoto University seven times. I accept the highest standard of machine and the highest standard of human correction at a low cost (however, the maximum number of students is 10).

 Moreover, we use chatwork (a chat tool) to answer unlimited questions about answers and corrections. We can also provide past questions upon request, as we have reliable "score estimates" and 40 years of hard-to-find past questions on hand (past questions are provided free of charge).



  • 随筆・エッセイ
  • 掌編
  • 青春
  • 全年齢対象

